Sponsor A Sheep

If you’re looking for an original gift, why not sponsor one of Derbyshire Wildlife Trust’s sheep?

Our sheep play a vital role in the management of our nature reserves. Hardy and resilient, the small flocks of Hebridean, Herdwick and mule sheep graze our smaller grassland reserves. They graze the coarser vegetation, allowing a wide variety of finer grasses and wildflowers to flourish.

Please help us look after our existing flocks and purchase more sheep to keep up the good work by sponsoring a sheep. £30 will sponsor the costs of feed, vets’ bills and shearing one of our sheep for a year and contribute to the expanding flock.

Where our sheep graze
Carr Vale Flash “” Summer grazing to keep the grass short for winter flocks of wigeon and other grazing wildfowl. Gang Mine “” Autumn and winter grazing to maintain the special interest in the flora associated with old lead mine spoil heaps.
Hartington Meadows “” Autumn and winter grazing to restore and maintain flower interest in the grassland and quarry area.
Hilton Gravel Pits “” Summer and autumn grazing across the site to help reduce the change from grassland to scrub in fen areas “” important for amphibians and dragonflies.

The sheep

These hardy sheep thrive on poor vegetation that would not be eaten by other breeds

The Herdwick is renowned for long life and is very hardy. A taste for the less palatable grasses and other vegetation makes it an ideal choice for conservation grazing

Mule (crossbreed sheep)
The small flock of hardy Mule sheep grazes unimproved grassland at Carr Vale and Gang Mine nature reserves.

How your money helps

Money raised from sponsorship will be used to cover the costs of feeding and shearing the sheep, transporting them between nature reserves and meeting vets’ bills. You can select the breed you prefer, although it is not possible to sponsor individual sheep. As a sponsor, you will receive a certificate acknowledging your support, a free model sheep and a twice-yearly report.

To sponsor a sheep simply fill in the form, print it out and send it to Derbyshire Wildlife Trust, East Mill, Bridge Foot, Belper, Derbyshire, DE56 1XH.